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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
The book i have just finshed is called 'Dancing in my Nuddy Pants!'
It is written by Louise Rennison. I enjoyed tyhis book you can just imagine a teenage girl writing it , because the book is written like a diary. I would recommend this book to other teenage girls because it was a funny book and I would like to read her whgole collection.
The story is about a girl called Georgia Nicolson who has a best friend called Jas and a 'Sex God' for her boyfriend. She has a really funnt life and always imagines her 'Sex God' and her getting marrie. I love this book because it somehow reminds me of me !!
Recently, I read a Japanese "Manga" style book called "The Kindaichi Case Files: The Opera House Murders"
It was about a boy called Hajime Kindaichi. He is your classic under-achiever; always falling asleep in class, never doing his homework etc. Everyone thinks he's a loser.
His only friend is Miyuki, the girl next-door. Ignoring her classmates complaints, she invites Kindaichi-Kun to the drama club's weekend rehearsal for "Phantom Of The Opera".
At first, everyone is having a great time, and the rehearsals are all going well, but then suddenly, cast members start getting killed mimicking the ways in the play.
The group are sent into a frezy, running from the supposed masked killer "Kagetsu", but it turns out to be one of the crew members!
Kindaichi and Miyuki are determined to to solve the murder before The Mysterious Kagetsu kills the full drama club!
I thought this was a really good book, and I would defenitely read it again :)
the book i have just read is called super boats
it is written by ian graham.
i enjoyed reading this book because i am interested in boats because i want to be a mechanic when i am older enough about me though the book is all about boats as you could have guessed it tells you all the different types of boats and what parts they have
i would read his collection because it is quite well written and is a good book try reading it some time
catch ya laters
the book i just read is called dr who the price of paradice it is written by Colin Brake he gose to a paradice planet that was once perfect is showing signs of failing as creatures from legonds stalk the land.
The book i have just finished reading is called "The wilde family day out"
It is written by Jenny Oldfield. I quite enjoyed this book because you could just see pictures in your head about this. I would recomend this book to anyone who likes Books about kids that run around mad.
The story is about 2 twin sisters called krystal and kayleigh and there younger sisters jade and carmel. They are supost to be lookisg after their baby brother Kyle But It is carmel that is running after him while everyone else is doing there own thing. Kyle does lots of bad things but you will have to read on to find out what it is he does......
I just read this book called "room 13". It's about this lassie that goes on holiday with her school and the room thirteen number isn't on the door but then at midnight it appears. and there is a vampire in the room
The last book i've just finished reading is called The Christmas Carol by Charles DIckens. I thought this book was good because it was nearer christmas i read it so it put me in a christmas mood! ?The book is about a man called scrooge and he really hates christmas! which is reallly strange to me! He ends up getting haunted by christmas ghosts and he ends up loving christmas becuase of them! I went to see the film as well in 3D but it was rubbish!
The book I have just read is called 'Oranges in No Man's Land' it was a really sad book because it is about the war in Beirut. The book was wriiten really well and I would recommend it to others. The first chapter was sad because Ayesha, her baby brother Ahmed, her other brother Latif and her gran were running away from the house and away from the gunmen, her mum and told them to run to the mosque and wait for her there, but she never saw her her mum again:(</3 It was quite sad to put that in the first chapter.
Thee bookk ii have just finished reading is called Point blanc. Its about a boy called alex rider who is a spy and goes to a boarding school in france for rich boys who have been kicked out of school. He finds out loads of info including the dr who owns the school it is making clones of everyoine. in the end he csptures the dr but it is left at a cliffhanger where alex i a clo9ne andyou dont know if it is the clone or alex. i thought it was ok but wouldn't read it again.
The book i have just finished reading is called ' How to make a snail fall in love with you' i think this this book is rubbish because it is only short poems and they never made any sense; they were random! But my Favourite poem was Love is because it was funny!!!!
I was reading Twilight by Stephenie Meyer an it is really good because it is about a vampire called Edward and he likes the new girl who moves from calafornia called Bella Swan and she doesn't know she is a vampire and they get to know each onther because the sit next to each other in bioligy and Edward is allways saving her from things like getting hit from a car.but Bella doesn't realise that when she is getting closer to him she is putting herself and her friends in danger because he is stronger than he thinks and he doesn't think he can handle being around human.But him and his family learn how to handle their strenth around Bella when Bella and Edward start going out.
By Morgan Thomosn :)
The book I have been reading is The Bare Bum Gang and the football face off :)
Me and Courtney chose these books because they looked funny. I got the first book and courtney got the second , we got them becuse they were funny.
You should read it :)
By Kirsty <33(L):)
the boo i have been reading is called "The Bare Bum Gang battle the dogsnatchers. I chose this funny because i liked the title and it looked funny. It was about a boy who is in the bare bum gang and gets a new dog. the end !!!!!!
The book I have just been reading is called The Opposite of Chocolate. I thought this book was okay.It is about a fourteen year old girl who gets pregnant and she doesn't know what to do! Her name is Sapphire. She is scared of what her future is going to turn out like!
Recently i read a book called Richard Hammond it is his autobiography and i dont know if this is in the right bit but it is about when he crashed in one of the fastet cars in the world but he pulled through and survived well it tells you about the crash before and after the crash but at the beginning it tells you about when he was younger and not expereinced and when he is on his bike and he crashes and how he went from radio star to top gear presenter and he was one of the best because he knew all about it and him jermey clarkson pulled through and made top gear and world wide orginization but apart from that it is a realyy good book and i would recommend you to read it and please read this book
I have recently been reading a book called HIDE AND SEEK by Cathrine McPhail it is about a girl called Bethany and she moved to a new school and this girl nicola who trys to sabotage her in a game of hide and sek and then they run away from her and then it all goes awall so byeee
I have just read a book called "Gabby the vampire cabby" i think this is a really good book ... it is funny aswell. it is about a person that drives a taxi and a vampire gets in it and the woman is driving the vampire about and her taxi breaks down and she gives the vampire water instead of blood. I think if people read this book they would enjoy it.
Read this book. :-)<33x.
The book i have just read is called I Love Genie, it was a really good book and i enjoyed reading it:)!
It is a really good book and i would recommend it too teenagers who would like too help pverty:)!
The book is very magical its about a girl called Fran who wants too get a boy at her school to notice her because she really likes him.
You will need to read the book to get the story becsue its really confusing! The book is quite strange but good at the same time:D!
By Kirsty Templeton :-)<33
The book i have just is called budda da and it is about a familly that stay in glasgow and just a regular glasweigon familly untill one day there dad comes home and the mum askes him how his day was at work then the pub but he said he didn't go to the pub he went to to see the buddah's .Within a whiloe he becomes one of the buddah's and that really changes his life, he really takes this serious but as any other glasgow familly would do they made fun of him all the time untill he toke them to see the buddah's and explained all about it and they toke it not seriopus but understood it in a better way .I really liked this book because when you read it , it made you laugh but in a way i nnow understand why buddah's are budda's now !!
A book i have recently read and found interesting is Horrid Henry .
it was written by francesca Simon . I enbjoyed this book because it was funny and i found it good . it was about Horrid Henry and his birthday party but it goes terribly wrong and Henry isnt happy and takes a maddy .
by Emma Morgan
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