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The review site for Read To Succeed, James Hamilton Academy's S1 / S2 reading programme
The book i have been reading recently is called "then he ate my boy entrancers" by Louise Rennison.
Its about a girl called georgia nicolson and she is writing about her life in her diary.
This time she is going on holiday to hamburger a gogo land with her bestist friend in the world Jas. On her holiday she has lots of laughs and its a very good book.
I would recomend this to young teens. And I would read this again!!
Recently i have just read How To Make A Snail Fall In Love With You. I found this quite good and would reccomend it to people who have just finished a large book and just want something that is easy to read before they go on to another book.
It is made up of lots of smaller poems one of my favourites was called Beware of the shepp its was very funny.
Ther is also and seven deadly emails section that goes right through the book I enjoyed the book alot and would recomend it to lots of people.
This is one of my favourite books
thanks for reading my blog . :@)o~
Scream Street is the name of the book i have just finished reading, by Tommy Donbavand.Its about a boy called luke watson who got turned into a werewolf and he is now living in scream street. He goes to find treasure and finds other things on the way.
it was intersting but i wouldnt't read it again..... <333333
I have been reading 'Shouting at the Stars' by David Belbin.
It all starts with a girl called Layla who wants to start a career in singing but she is in a a wheelchair. She started doing a tour around the U.K and finds herself having a heckler . This whole story is about her struggle and her worries .
she suspects a man called Gary but as it turned out he was just one of her close fans.
She traveled all over the world and it all works out in the end as she finds out who her heckler is and even finds her true love :) . The heckler turned out to be...
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